The Power of Beliefs

We have a unique opportunity, here on earth at this time 2012.

“Understanding the power of beliefs and the power of the mind, both individually and en masse, is the most pressing and crucial issue for humankind to grasp. Recognizing these two important keys of knowledge can open human consciousness to a new worldview of unlimited possibilities and highly creative solutions. Beliefs are essentially agreements about reality, and both personal and collective beliefs form the structure and the parameters of your life experience in any era. Beliefs, thoughts, and feelings leave a distinct formative imprint on the field of vital energy that envelops your world. You are creating all of the time and humankind is rapidly awakening to this astounding realization.” ~The Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak (excerpt from Chapter 1 MultiDimensional Reality and the Design of Existence)

“Humankind is being tested to become much more consciously aware of how to use the power of thought. You are born with a multitude of abilities, yet your cultivated beliefs insist you are powerless; therefore, these abilities are blocked out or eradicated from neural pathways at an early age. The key to solving the great planetary crisis you face lies in the compassionate recognition that humanity has essentially developed a collective fear of the power to create. These times call for you to know your mind and your beliefs and to become an extraordinary creator of your reality.” ~The Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak (excerpt from Chapter 4 The Intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions)



Radical Acceptance

There is Nothing Wrong With You — truly…nothing.

When I first opened this book, There’s Nothing Wrong With You, I felt like I was more spiritually and emotionally advanced than anything this book had to offer. I was wrong.  The font is big and the wording is simple for a reason. We have been socially trained from the moment we were born unrelentingly up through the present that there IS something wrong with us. This book is speaking to the child in all of us that still believes that fully.

Huber speaks over and over to this social conditioning of self-hate –the training of us that we’re doing something wrong, that we could’ve, should’ve, would’ve done something better, more, smarter, faster. The voice of self-hate is constant and comes in many forms.

Sometimes the self-hate is not even subtle — “You’re fat.” “You’re ugly.” “You’re stupid.” “You suck.”  Sometimes it disguises itself in “helpful” comments — “I was stupid to say that. I should be more careful.”  Sometimes it sounds supportive of self-discipline — “I have to keep working on this, even though I’m exhausted. If I let myself slide, who knows where it will end?” Sometimes it even sounds wise, profound and really helpful — you’re reading a meaningful book and every sentence translates into “I should be like that.” “How come I’m not more like that?” Much of this deeply ingrained conditioning finds root by the time we’re seven years old. How long ago is that for you? No wonder why it takes some time to undo.

Huber also speaks to a radical form of acceptance in loving ourselves unconditionally — unconditionally in the sense of No Matter What, unconditionally  for all times, for all circumstances, unconditionally when you feel like it & unconditionally when you don’t feel like it. Unconditional love and acceptance means just that — no conditions, loving the all of you & accepting the all of you.

Huber states, “We must become our own best friend. We must learn to give to ourselves and to receive from ourselves unconditional love and acceptance. It is not selfish. It is the first GIANT STEP toward selfLESSness….Those who feel completely loved are not selfish, they are loving.”

Any of you who have the courage & heart to begin this path of radical acceptance, please post here to encourage the rest of us.

Much love, Jodi

Got Kismet?

Which way shall I go?

You may be wondering not whether you have kismet, but what is kismet? Here’s what has to say:


[kiz-mit, -met, kis-]


fate; destiny.
1840–50;  < Turkish  < Persian qismat  < Arabic qismah
division,portion, lot, fate, akin to qasama  to divide

Be your own Kismet.

It feels like it goes beyond what is slated in the rock as your fate. It feels like a mysterious & complex algorithm all contributing to the outcome. It feels like you can manifest your destiny, alter your lot in life, by playing with this algorithm.

Warm Destiny by Sabin Corneliu Buraga

“How?” you may ask?
  1. Develop a belief of your contribution. Know in your heart, in your mind, in your spirit that you have a very real strong influence on your life, your experiences, your future. Nelson Mandela, during his 27-year imprisonment, relied on this invictus to learn self-mastery: “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
  2. Develop an awareness of “coincidences”.  My dad has really gotten me into the series, “Touch”, where a boy (who may be on the autism/Asperger’s spectrum) sees the deep pain & interconnectivity of the world through numbers, but doesn’t speak. He’s been able to convey to his dad how our lives ultimately touch one another & helps his dad begin healing the pain with his son. This mainstream show validates this knowing that there are no coincidences. So start to notice the “coincidences”. You think of someone you haven’t seen in a while & they call the next day. You feel a tug to FaceBook someone a note of encouragement & he shares with you that he’s been feeling down. You meet someone in another country & she happens to be considering moving to your city. There are no accidents.
  3.  Develop a practice of play. Begin to play with these “coincidences”. Someone pops into your mind. Perhaps there’s a reason. Call this person. You feel led to take a different path to work. Listen to that leading. A friend asks you to go on a shamanic journey. Go with this person. Maybe something will show up immediately. Maybe something will show up a year from now. The more you believe, the more your notice, the more you play, the more you can wield your own fate, manifest your own destiny, be your own kismet.

“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” ~Nelson Mandela

Please share your “coincidences” here to encourage & inspire others.
Much much love,

The Breath of Life

Breath of Gaia by Josephine Wall

“Not Christian or Jew or
Muslim, not Hindu,
Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen.
Not any religion

or cultural system. I am
not from the east
or the west, not
out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not
natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all.
I do not exist,

am not an entity in this
world or the next,
did not descend from
Adam and Eve or any

origin story. My place is
the placeless, a trace
of the traceless.
Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved,
have seen the two
worlds as one and
that one
call to and know,

first, last, outer, inner,
only that breath breathing

human being.” ~Rumi

Bittersweet Symphony

“I am a member of the orchestra, playing the symphony of life.” ~ L.S.

” ‘Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, this life.” ~The Verve

This past week, I journeyed to my family in Ohio and got my dose of nieces and nephews and pop culture by watching The Voice and The Chew. While the connection has always been there with my family, the symphony of love ever present, the differences between me & my family are salient, particularly with my folks, and, at times, I’ve definitely felt like the odd ball out.

My folks are Midwestern & American as apple pie. I have always been drawn to the West Coast, as long as I can remember, and while I’m American, I definitely check “Asian Pacific Islander” under the “race” box. My parents are conservative, Christian, traditional & Republican. I am progressive (more liberal than liberal), spiritual mystic, progressive (see above) & Independent. My family  subscribes to an interesting blend of frugality and materialism. I aspire to a blend of frugality and minimalism.

Yet, that love between us provides the common chorus, the common language. Our values of family, community, loyalty, & honesty create the melody with our differences providing the harmony. While we may play our instruments differently and manifest the music in our own unique ways, together, we create a beautiful symphony with more depth, more range, than if we all were the same.

Embrace your differences. Feel the beauty & creativity in your own unique musical contribution. Deeply know the connection in being part of this symphony we call life.

Much love, Jodi

Shift Happens

Envision the Future

An airline attendant once said when we were landing, “Please be careful when opening overhead compartments with the contents inside because as we all know, shift happens”.  He got many a chuckle from the passengers & he spoke the truth about life.

The shift is happening, even as I type, & what I am very interested in is how can we contribute to the direction of the shift?  If you were to envision the future & see exactly what you would want to see, what would be included in that vision?

Raising the Frequency

We connected this past Tuesday at Presencing Tuesdays & as a community, began to answer the question, “What do we want to bring more of to our planet?”.  What was said was powerful — Love, connection, community, acceptance, trust, fun, creativity, equality, friendship, organic food, cats, ease.

What do you want to cultivate now in your life, in your community, in your work spaces, in your country for this planet?

Much love,


Thomas Hubl: The Dance of Silence & Movement


Presencing a new "we"

Thomas Hubl: A Whole Spirituality

I had the immense pleasure & privilege of being in the presence of this great spiritual master this past Tuesday afternoon & evening, April 3, 2012.  It is difficult to describe in words what was transmitted in that space & I will do my best.

He spoke of many things & two themes, in particular, emerged, what I will call the Levels of Existence & the Dance of Silence & Movement.  I will share both.

Levels of Existence

Hubl spoke of three levels of existence — 1. Personal, 2. Patterns, & 3. Principle.  Oftentimes, we are embroiled in the personal, the stories, the details — big, small & in between — that appear to make up the fabric of our lives.  If our lives were a play, the personal would be the plot.  Most people rarely look past the plot.  Most people only see, only hear, only feel the plot.

However, if one were to step back from the personal, from the plot, from the play, one might catch a glimpse of the patterns that inform the personal details.  Or said another way, the patterns are the code from which the programs, the games, the play is written & this code dates back to thousands of years, thousands of lifetimes to the beginning of manifestation.  These patterns, this code, offer an opportunity to not take things so personally, to recognize the mechanical conditioning that has been set in place long before your soul was born into this body into this lifetime.  Yet, there’s another level that informs even the patterns, which, in turn, inform the personal, & that is the principle.

The principle is God, the Universe, The Architect in The Matrix, the unformed Source, that which has never been nor never will be, that which is neither that nor this, infinite possibilities — the list goes on in our human attempts to describe, categorize, & try to understand that which is incomprehensible to the limits of the human mind.  This principle offers the raw no-thing from which everything is born.

The Dance of Silence & Movement

Just as most people are fully engrossed in the person; so too, most people are often in constant movement of life.  This movement is in the literal gross physical sense of moving from work to play, from being awake to being asleep.  This movement also occurs on a more subtle realm of feelings, thoughts, energy, being.  This movement is often following in the grooves of all the years & lifetimes of conditioning in an automatic, mechanical way.  Rarely, here in the States, do we take the time from our busy days, our hectic, harried lives, to be still, to be silent, to be space.

Thomas described this silence as the white space on the page.  People often don’t notice the white space on the page.  They are too focused on the letters, the words, the sentences & the meaning of the letters, the words, the sentences.  The letters & the pictures are the movement; the white space is the silence & the space.  Many fill our pages, our lives, with so many words, so many pictures, the white space is completely covered.  You’ve seen pages like that, jam-packed with stuff.  How do you feel looking at such pages?  Tired?  Overwhelmed?  Stressed?  This is the way many of us live our lives — jam-packed with stuff, appointments, activities, work, people, things.  There’s no balance.

When we balance movement with silence, when we allow our movements to be informed by the silence, by the space, we allow for all the Divine offers — creativity, resonance, peace, joy & a deep sense of purpose & being in flow.  Begin with 5 minutes of quiet time, meditation time, time in prayer a day.  See what that small space offers.  What would our world look like, if we all took time to BE, if we all took time to meditate, if we all took time listen to that still, small, wise & powerful voice within?  We would have a world flowing with a river of joy, a world playing in the ocean of creativity, a world being immersed in a sense of deep peace.

To that, I say, “Heck yeah!”

Much much love,


Intuitive Communication

Gaia Oracle -- Guidance, Affirmations, Transformation by Toni Carmine Salerno

Hello lovely beings of light & love,

It has been a while, since I last wrote, & a dear friend of mine mentioned today how much she appreciated my blog posts.  It has been my intention for some time to return to writing & her appreciation reminded me of that intention.

I have been pulling cards from this empowering, wise Oracle card deck & this card has shown up for me 3 times in the past 3 weeks or so.  I thought I would share it with you.

“This card confirms that you have a natural psychic ability that can be further developed and expanded.  But in order to develop this innate gift, you must pay greater attention to your intuition.  This can come in many forms.  For example, it can be a gut feeling, an unusual or unexpected thought, or a subtle and silent whisper that seems to flow from your heart.  Close your eyes and be aware of all you feel around you.  The universe is alive, the Earth and nature are living energies.  Whether you know it or not, there is an aspect of you that is in constant communion with all of creation; you are therefore also in constant communication with everyone and everything.  Al that you need to expand this wonderful ability is within you.  Start to listen to your inner voice and learn to trust your vibes and natural instincts.  You are about to discover a whole new way of being.


I focus on my inner world

I am one with all creation

All is energetically connected

I trust my intuition

My awareness expands through love”

What abilities & natural skills do you have?  What might you contribute to our planet, if you were to tap in & expand this ability?  Trust yourself.  Be all that you are meant to be.

Much love,


Compassion (The Wise Heart)

The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield: Principle 2 of 24

Be compassion now.

We have the unique opportunity as spiritual beings having this human experience to express our true nature, one of radiant radical compassion.

The second principle of Buddhist psychology:

Compassion is our deepest nature.  It arises from our interconnection with all things.

O Nobly Born, now there is born in you exceeding compassion for all those living creatures who have forgotten their true nature. ~ Mahamudra text of Tibetan yogi Longchenpa

In Africa when you ask someone ‘How are you’ the reply you get is in the plural even when you are speaking to one person.  A man would say, ‘We are well’ or ‘We are not well.’  He himself may be quite well, but his grandmother is not well and so he is not well either….The solitary, isolated human being is really a contradiction in terms.” ~Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu

When it gets down to one life, the mind achieves a vivid understanding.  If I take the deaths in one at a time, I notice that marine lance corporal Michael E. Linderman, Jr., of Douglas, Oregon, was only 19, and I know what it was like to be 19.  And I notice that there wasn’t a standard military portrait taken of marine private, first class, Dion J. Stephenson of Bountiful, Utah, and so they used his prom picture and you can see the hook on the strap of his bow tie….After you look at these pictures, the war becomes difficult to follow, because to be decent, you have to stop and love them and mourn their passing, and there are getting to be so many of them it’s impossible not to fall behind. ~Novelist Ann Patchett about the first Gulf War

Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter.  As you press for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the instruments of love. ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Much love, Jodi

What’s Jodi Reading Now #4: The Wise Heart

The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield: Principle 1 of 24

Nobility of Heart

This celebrated guide to Buddhist psychology has so touched my heart that I would like to share it slowly, deliciously, in 24 installments, including quotes that Kornfield includes in his work.

The first principle of Buddhist psychology:

See the inner nobility and beauty of all human beings.

O Nobly Born, O you of glorious origins, remember your radiant true nature, the essence of mind.  Trust it.  Return to it.  It is home.  ~ Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Then it was if I suddenly saw the secret beauty of their hearts, the depths of their hearts, where neither sin nor desire nor self-knowledge can reach, the core of their reality, the person that each one is in the eyes of the Divine.  If only they could all see themselves as they really are.  If only we could see each other that way all the time.  There would be no more war, no more hatred, no more cruelty, no more greed….I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other.  ~ Thomas Merton

I see you and acknowledge your wondrous, divine nature.

Much love, Jodi